Route history

All trips made by YUKAtrack users are visually displayed and saved within the YUKAtrack app. With just a glance, you can identify which trips were efficient or inefficient. This information plays a key role in improving the cost-effectiveness of your planned journeys. For future trips, you have the ability to adjust and optimize your routes. In the user-friendly app, you can see at any time where traffic along your route has slowed down or even come to a halt. With YUKAtrack, you can significantly boost the efficiency of your trips.

What are the benefits of using a route history as a user?

Identify areas of a route where improvements can be made by visually displaying the traveled paths. Increase the efficiency of individual trips by using the route history feature. All necessary data of a traveled route is automatically collected and stored. This data contributes to route optimization. Recurrent traffic disruptions can be immediately identified and addressed through the route history. A route history can help clarify individual incidents.

In summary

Using a route history is essential for both individuals and businesses. All necessary data, such as location, date, starting and destination points, and driver information, is collected, stored, and clearly displayed visually. This process is fully automated within the YUKAtrack app. Additionally, the route history helps clarify individual situations or incidents, as all necessary data is readily available.

What are the benefits for a user of using a route history?

Every YUKAtrack user has access to their route history, which is displayed smartly and clearly in the app. This allows the user to evaluate their insights and collected data and adjust them if necessary. YUKAtrack users can access data such as traveled routes, speed violations, average speed, live location tracking, theft protection, and alerts (e.g., for crossing predefined areas, virtual fences) and analyze this information. YUKAtrack helps analyze, adjust, and evaluate route sections or entire routes. A major advantage of this feature is that the user can adapt their driving habits and future routes— for example, alternative routes can be identified for recurring traffic jams.

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