With the latest function from YUKAtrack, users are able to combine routes, routes and/or route sections using the YUKAtrack app. What does this mean in detail? What advantages do I have as a user from merging routes? We will explain to you in detail how the merging works and what advantages arise for YUKAtrack users.

When is route merging used?

The merging of routes is always used when unforeseeable events or incidents such as slow traffic or traffic jams due to an accident, road damage or traffic controls come into play.

Thanks to the extremely precise location via GPS, all stops are displayed as individual routes.

In order to simplify but also present this correctly, the route merging function was developed and made available to YUKAtrack users.

Merging routes is only possible if the stops are based on the same direction of travel as the route already traveled. This means that it is not possible to falsify the data - by merging routes, you will not receive falsified, correct reports about your returned, merged routes or routes.

Merging routes – advantages for YUKAtrack users

By merging routes, all trips that are displayed as individual routes can be combined into one route. This is only possible if the individual route sections are in the same direction of travel or are in the same direction of travel as the one already completed

Distances covered are therefore correctly documented and are also displayed visually. Another advantage is that YUKAtrack users receive correctly routed route evaluations and logbook reports.

Merging Routes - Conclusion

Our development team is constantly working on improving our systems and functions. The updates are always made available to YUKAtrack users free of charge. With the last update, a new function was also provided.

Merging routes. A very useful and important new feature. With the help of the new function you can merge routes - so you receive correct route analyses, evaluations and logbook reports at all times.

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